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Onboarding Landing Page: Administrators

Overview for Administrators


Administrators for First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond trials and subscriptions will receive from McGraw Hill a series of emails in their inbox as part of the Customer Success team's onboarding communications. The admin will receive a welcome email and registration instructions to share with end users for their First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond trials and subscriptions. The welcome emails will bring the admin to this onboarding page to help guide them through logging into the admin portal (where available), managing user accounts, access and authentication details, user support resources, and more.

For the integrated First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond experience, users must register separately in both subscriptions using their same institutional email address. More information on how to register in each site is provided to the admin in the welcome email, registration instructions, and this onboarding LibGuide.

First Aid Forward subscriptions are setup via implicit access, and access is tied to the institutional email address. Boards & Beyond subscriptions are setup either via IP or promo codes, and the access and admin information, as well as features, for each authentication type is unique as described in the boxes below.

First Aid Forward

First Aid Forward – Step 1 & Step 2

End-user access to First Aid Forward is easy! Users sign up with their institutional email address with the following steps:

  • Users will create an account with either this Step 1 or this Step 2 link using their institutional email address and following the on-screen prompts. Users must sign in via "Magic Link" the first time they sign up for First Aid Forward and can then setup a password to sign in via email address/password, or users can continue to access the site via magic link (screenshot below).

  • New users will be required to enter additional profile information, and users who already have an account will be prompted upon sign in to enter the additional profile information, including role (student, librarian, faculty, etc.), graduation year, and academic program (see screenshot below). Logic built into the system will not require non-student roles to enter graduation year and academic program (please note that non-student role data will not appear in the admin dashboard performance analytics).

  • For access to both Step 1 and Step 2, users should create an account using just one of the links above. After creating an account via Magic Link (required when first signing up), users will click the other link above (either Step 1 or Step 2), enter the same institutional email address, and click “Send Magic Link.” When they click on the magic link received in their email, the other Step 1 or Step 2 resource will be added to their account, and they can toggle between both resources (screenshot below).

  • Please note faculty will create their own accounts (using the registration instructions in the welcome letter) to access First Aid Forward content which will be the same type of account as students in terms of content and features. Admin dashboard access can be added to any faculty accounts in First Aid Forward (see "Admin Dashboard" tab in the "Administrator Information" box for more information).

Watch the video below for how to create an account and download our PDF User Guide for how to navigate the student login in First Aid Forward.

Admin Dashboard

The administrator and faculty can request access to the admin dashboard in First Aid Forward by emailing With access to the admin dashboard, faculty can utilize performance analytics to monitor learning progress and identify at-risk students that need intervention (screenshot below).

The institutional administrator on the First Aid Forward account can add other admins and instructors to access the admin dashboard, as well as request performance usage reports. There are two roles in the dashboard: admin and instructor. Other "admin" users can view the "Admin Management" page in their login to add other admins and change an admin or instructor user's status, as well as request reports and view performance analytics. An "instructor" user is read-only and can only view the performance analytics and request reports but does not have access to the "Admin Management" page in their login and cannot add other admins or instructor users to access the dashboard or change their access/status. Please see our Admin User Guide below for more information.

Click here to view a clickable demo of the First Aid Forward admin dashboard.

When admin dashboard privileges are activated on the administrator's or a faculty member's First Aid Forward account, the default homepage will be the admin dashboard in their login. If they want to view the content on First Aid Forward, the administrator or faculty can use the "Student View" toggle in their login and also toggle back to the admin dashboard.

For administrative questions or to add admin dashboard access to any faculty accounts, please email and include a list of the faculty names and email addresses.

Administrator Access and Information

Currently, First Aid Forward account administrators do not have a separate admin portal or login to view subscription details and other account information, such as usage reports or managing user accounts. Also, user accounts cannot be created by McGraw Hill or the administrator due to privacy and compliance requirements; however, admin dashboard access can be provisioned on administrator and faculty accounts (see previous tab "Admin Dashboard").

Since access to First Aid Forward is registered through a user’s institutional email address domains/subdomains, it is possible some users may access the product who should not have access. As the administrator, you can distribute the welcome letter with the registration instructions to specific user groups and will be able to view all users who claimed access in the admin dashboard. However, there is currently no way for the administrator to manage users on the subscription. For anyone accessing First Aid Forward who should not (e.g., users who matriculated, users who left the institution, etc.), please contact to have those users removed. 

Welcome Letter with Registration Instructions

  • The admin will receive a welcome letter from McGraw Hill which provides the specific URLs for one or both First Aid Forward products (Step 1 and Step 2) depending on what is in your subscription. This welcome letter can be shared with end-users as instructions for them to register with your First Aid Forward subscription.

  • Users navigate to the URLs and sign up for an account with their institutional email address (must match their institutional domains/subdomains). When first signing up, users will enter their first and last name and agree to the Terms of Use and will send a "Magic Link" to their email. This is the process for first creating an account in First Aid Forward.

  • Once signed up, users will receive a “Magic Link” in their email with the subject “Your McGraw Hill Magic Link.” Users will select the link and are then able to access First Aid Forward. The magic link expires after 24 hours. Please note users may need to check their junk/spam folders to find the magic link email.  

  • All users must first sign up through the magic link. After, users have the option to setup a password in the upper-right account settings page in their First Aid Forward login and can then sign in via email address/password or can continue to sign in via magic link when they want to access First Aid Forward. 

Trial Access to First Aid Forward + Boards & Beyond

Access to the integrated experience between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond is available during a trial to both sites. Users will register for accounts separately in First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond, and they must register for their accounts in both sites using the same institutional email address.

There are two trial types for First Aid Forward, so please consult the information below related to your First Aid Forward trial.

First Aid Forward: Access Code Trials

With a trial to First Aid Forward using access codes (or tokens), the admin will receive a trial welcome letter featuring specific access URLs and access codes to Step 1 and Step 2 (if applicable). Each code is single-use and provides the user with 30 days of access after being claimed. It is the administrator's discretion for distributing access codes and supplying users with additional codes to extend their access to the trial. Users must sign up for an account with their institutional email address.

Access to the admin dashboard is not available in an access code trial to First Aid Forward; however, you can reach out to your account manager or for a demonstration of this feature. 

First Aid Forward: Implicit Access Trials

With a trial to First Aid Forward based on implicit access, the admin will receive a trial welcome letter featuring specific access URLs and instructions for users to create an account and access the trial. To access the trial, all users (admin, faculty, students) will sign up with their institutional email address and must sign in first via "Magic Link." Users will receive a verification email ("Magic Link") and will gain access to First Aid Forward. From there, users may either continue to access the site via magic link or by setting up a password and signing in via email address/password. 

Access to the admin dashboard is not typically available during an implicit access trial to First Aid Forward; however, access to the admin dashboard can be activated on the administrator's account or any of the faculty accounts during the trial if requested. Please be advised that the admin dashboard may not display much user data since the trial window is short, and student users may or may not have accessed and trialed First Aid Forward.

Please reach out to for a demonstration of the admin dashboard or to have admin dashboard privileges enabled on your administrator account or any faculty accounts. 

First Aid Forward Support

  • User Resources to help drive user engagement include promotional materials, instructional videos, and more found on the First Aid Forward LibGuide.
  • Training and Onboarding/Implementation Support can be requested by contacting Customer Success
  • Technical Support is available at

Boards & Beyond: IP

IP Trial or Subscription Access

If you are an IP-based trial or subscription customer:

For users to gain access to the student version of Boards & Beyond, please share the registration instructions provided to you by Customer Success. If you need the registration instructions resent, please email

In the registration instructions, there is a link for on-campus access and, if applicable, one for off-campus access. Users will register once with their institutional email address and use the code provided in the instructions. Please see the next "Admin Info" tab for more information on setting up off-campus access.

Users must register with their same institutional email address in Boards & Beyond and First Aid Forward to gain access to the integrated experience between the resources.

In Boards & Beyond, students and faculty can create a student account; however, faculty tools accounts (also referred to as "group admin" or "instructor access") are created by the admin in the admin account, and faculty login to their faculty tools accounts in Boards & Beyond separately from their student accounts. Please see the “Faculty Tools” tab for more information.

When users create their accounts, they will gain access to all resources in your subscription and can toggle among them in their login (screenshot below).

Users will receive an email reminder and will need to reauthenticate once every 90 days by either:

  1. Signing into their accounts while on campus within the specified IP ranges. After registering the first time, users can login directly to the student version of Boards & Beyond, including for on campus reauthentication, at the Boards & Beyond Homepage.
  2. Signing in remotely through the off-campus link in the registration instructions or by signing into the VPN and then navigating through the landing page link in the registration instructions.

Administrator Information   

Your Institutional Administrator account enables you to create Faculty Tools accounts, view usage statistics, subscription information, authentication details and more.

If you are the admin, you should have received an email notification from McGraw Hill with the link to sign in as the admin and setup your admin password (email subject line: "You are now the Boards & Beyond Admin for [institution name]"). The admin will login to the institutional administrator account at The email notification also includes the landing page link for on campus access, information on setting up remote access, the access code, and IPs listed on your IP trial or subscription account. 

Please note this admin notification email is sent automatically by the Boards & Beyond platform when your IP trial or subscription account is setup by McGraw Hill and may arrive in your inbox before your IP trial or subscription begins. If you do not have this email or cannot find it, please email requesting the admin login to be resent to you.

The Customer Success team will follow-up with you (the admin) shortly after your IP trial or subscription account is setup and you have received the automatic admin email notification. Customer Success will reach out with the registration instructions to share with your faculty and student end-users for them to register with your subscription and sign up for an account. The registration instructions include the landing page link users must select from on-campus within IP range when first registering for an account, as well as the one-time access code. The landing page link and access code will never change or expire during the length of your IP trial or subscription, including when you renew and when you transition from IP trial to subscription. If you change your EZproxy URL, that will impact remote access, so please make aware of any changes to your remote access methods, including updates to your IPs.

For remote access:

If you are using EZproxy, Customer Success will need your EZproxy URL to setup the remote access link and include in the registration instructions for your end-users. It is advised to test your remote access to Boards & Beyond before sharing the registration instructions with end-users. If applicable, please configure the EZproxy stanza found here: Boards & Beyond Stanza – OCLC Support.

If you are using VPN, please let Customer Success know so the information can be include in the registration instructions. For remote registration with Boards & Beyond using the VPN, users will sign into the VPN first and then proceed with signing up for an account with the steps provided in the registration instructions.

If you are using OpenAthens, please either 1) contact OpenAthens to begin the setup process for Boards & Beyond OR 2) contact to begin the process of setting up OpenAthens for Boards & Beyond. OpenAthens will provide a checklist to facilitate the setup process. Essential information needed is your institution's proxy IP and redirector prefix URL and ideally a test account/credentials for testing access. With OpenAthens, the proxy is managed by them, so you don’t need our the OCLC Boards & Beyond proxy stanza. Please note that setting up OpenAthens enables off-campus access with your IP trial or subscription to Boards & Beyond; however, it does not sign users into their personal accounts in Boards & Beyond.

It is recommended that you request your IT department to whitelist the Boards & Beyond domain:

For more help on using the admin login and navigation, how to create faculty tools accounts and more, please refer to the overview video or download our PDF Admin User Guide below or email

Faculty Tools (also referred to as “Group Admin” or "Instructor Access")

With Faculty Tools, instructors will be able to set up groups (class sections), create assignments, view student activity reports and more (screenshot below). However, for faculty to navigate the integrated experience between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond, faculty and other users must be signed into their student accounts in Boards & Beyond. Faculty Tools does not currently feature navigation between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond.

The admin will create Faculty Tools accounts for instructors with their institutional email address. Please see our Admin User Guide below on how to create Faculty Tools accounts and other informationPlease feel free to share our Faculty Tools User Guide below with instructors.

Faculty will login to their Faculty Tools accounts with their institutional email address at The Faculty Tools login is separate from instructors’ student accounts if they created one but can be created using the same institutional email address. To login to their student accounts, faculty will navigate to the on- or off- campus link provided in the registration instructions and must reauthenticate every 90 days. Instructors do not need to reauthenticate their Faculty Tools login however. 

Please note that the admin account also features Faculty Tools, so the admin will not need to create a separate Faculty Tools account for themselves.

For more help on using the admin login and navigation, how to create Faculty Tools accounts, navigate, and more, please refer to the overview video or download and browse our user guides below or email

Boards & Beyond Support

  • User Resources to help drive user engagement include promotional materials, instructional videos, and more found on the Boards & Beyond LibGuide.
  • Training and Onboarding/Implementation Support can be requested by contacting Customer Success
  • Technical Support is available at

Boards & Beyond: Promo Code

Promo Code Access

If you are a promo code-based trial or subscription customer:

To register with your institutional subscription to Boards & Beyond, users can follow the registration instructions provided in the welcome letter(s) sent to the subscription administrator. Users will register once with the promo code(s) provided in the welcome letter(s) and must sign up with their institutional email address to experience the integration with First Aid Forward content. When users register for First Aid Forward (which is a separate registration process), they will use the same institutional email address as their Boards & Beyond login. 

Users sign up and register for an account with Boards & Beyond at: They will first register using the promo code(s) provided in the welcome letter(s) sent to the administrator. After registering, users can navigate to their profile and select "My Subscriptions" to apply the other product subscription promo code(s) if you subscribe to more than one Boards & Beyond product (see the welcome letter provided to the administrator or the next tab "Existing Users and Adding Access") (screenshot below).

If you are subscribing to more than one Boards & Beyond product on a promo code-based subscription, the administrator will receive a separate welcome letter with a unique promo code for each product (e.g., Step 1, Step 2/3, Clinical Confidence, OMM Series).

If you a trialing multiple Boards & Beyond products (e.g., Step 1, Step 2/3, etc.) with promo code(s), you may have the option to have one bundle promo code to access all products in your trial.

With a promo code-based institutional trial or subscription to Boards & Beyond, users are not required reauthenticate. When a user signs up and registers an account with the trial or subscription using the provided promo code(s), they will have access through the length of the promo code(s) from the date they claim the promo code(s) before it expires and can no longer be claimed. For example, if the promo code(s) is a three-month promo code(s) and is available from May 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024, users will receive three months' access from the date they register and claim the promo code(s) before the expiration date on the promo code(s). 

New User Registration

For new users registering with your institution's Boards & Beyond subscription, they can use the steps below to access your institution's subscription which is what is provided in the welcome letter sent to the administrator and featuring the promo code:

  1. Navigate to

    • Note: Please ensure your Boards & Beyond account is registered with your institutional email address. To access the integrated experience between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond, users will need to have their accounts in both sites registered with their same institutional email address. If you already have an existing Boards & Beyond account tied to your institution's subscription using an email address that is not your institutional email address, please login and change your existing email address to your institutional email address.

  1. Fill in your basic information and click "Create Account."  

  1. Select the appropriate subscription option (e.g., Step 1, Step 2/3, etc.).  

  1. Click the toggle button next to "Do you have a promo code?" 

  1. Enter promo code and click "Apply." 

  1. Fill out your academic information and billing address. You will not be billed and your amount payable will show as $0.00  

  1. Click "Done."  

  1. Congratulations! You now have access to your institution's Boards & Beyond subscriptions.  

Note: Users can toggle among the subscriptions in their Boards & Beyond login using the menu in the upper-right (screenshot below):

Existing Users: How to Extend and Add Access to a Subscription

For users who already have an existing Boards & Beyond account registered with your institution's subscription, they can use the steps below to extend their access or add access to an additional subscription (e.g., if your institution subscribes to Step 1 and later also subscribes to Step 2/3):

  1. Navigate to Boards & Beyond and login to your account at:

    • Note: Please ensure your Boards & Beyond account is registered with your institutional email address. To access the integrated experience between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond, users will need to have their accounts in both sites registered with their same institutional email address. If you already have an existing Boards & Beyond account tied to your institution's subscription using an email address that is not your institutional email address, please login and change your existing email address to your institutional email address.

  1. Click on your profile in the top right-hand corner of the page. A dropdown will open. Click "My Subscription."

  1. Select either "Extend Subscription" if you already have an active subscription or select "Purchase Subscription" if you are starting a brand new subscription.  

  1. Select the appropriate subscription option (e.g., Step 1, Step 2/3, etc.) and click "Checkout."  

  1. Click the toggle button next to "Do you have a promo code?"

  1. Enter your promo code and click "Apply." 

  1. Fill out your academic information and billing address. You will not be billed, and your amount payable will show as $0.00  

  1. Click "Make Payment."  

  1. Congratulations! You now have extended or additional access to your institution's subscriptions. If you already had access, the additional time on the promo code has been added to your subscription access.   

Note: Users can toggle among the subscriptions in their Boards & Beyond login using the menu in the upper-right (screenshot below):

Renewing Customers

If you are renewing your institutional promo-code subscription, the administrator will receive welcome letters with the new promo codes and registration instructions for each product subscribed to which can be distributed to users.

New users will register with the registration instructions provided by signing up with their institutional email address and applying the promo code(s) (see the welcome letter provided to the administrator or the previous tab "New Users"). Users must sign up with the same institutional email address to navigate between First Aid Forward and Boards & Beyond for the integrated experience.

Existing users will need to renew their access to the institutional Boards & Beyond subscription by logging into their existing accounts, navigating to the "My Subscription" information in their profile, and selecting either:

  1. "Extend Subscription" if there is an active subscription to which the user wants to continue their access.
  2. "Purchase Subscription" if they are adding access to a new product in the subscription (see the welcome letter provided to the administrator or the tab "Existing Users and Adding Access").

Administrator Information

With a promo code-based institutional subscription to Boards & Beyond, there is no administrator login nor faculty tools features enabled.

For administrative questions and/or a report of your subscription usage, please email Customer Success at and include the promo code(s) and dates for which you would like the report to show usage data.

For end-users experiencing issues with registration, account setup, email address errors or other, please email Boards & Beyond Customer Service at

Boards & Beyond Support

  • User Resources to help drive user engagement include promotional materials, instructional videos, and more found on the Boards & Beyond LibGuide.
  • Training and Onboarding/Implementation Support can be requested by contacting Customer Success
  • Technical Support is available at

Contact Us

For help, please reach out to Customer Success at McGraw Hill at

For institutional accounts:

  • Please reach out to Customer Success for help with a technical issue, an existing institutional subscription, a trial subscription, marketing materials, setting up a training session and more.

For individual subscribers:

  • For help with an individual subscription, please email Online Customer service ( between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST. You may also call 1-888-307-5984 (toll free within the United States).
