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Onboarding Landing Page: Administrators

Overview for Administrators

Welcome to AccessEngineering! If you are the administrator for your institution's AccessEngineering account, you will receive a series of emails from McGraw Hill in the coming weeks as part of our scaffolded onboarding process. These emails include:

1) A Welcome Letter (trials and subscriptions), which includes:

  • Your trial or subscription dates
  • Admin credentials for signing into the admin portal to pull usage reports and check subscription details
  • Helpful resources, links, and contact information (including a link to this onboarding guide)
  • Select trials only: A shared username & password for accessing your trial (most institutions do not authenticate with a shared username/password, but rather IP address, OpenAthens, or referrer URL)

2) A Features Email (subscriptions only), which is designed for you to forward to your faculty as a way to highlight key features in AccessEngineering 

3) A Survey Email (subscriptions only), which asks you and anyone you forward the email to about the onboarding process and other needs or questions you have

This Onboarding Guide aims to answer key questions about your trial or subscription to AccessEngineering. Start with the sections below to learn about Authentication Methods and Administrator Information; then, at the top of this page, click on AccessEngineering --> Engineers, Faculty, and Students to learn more about the features and functionality available to your end-users, including instructor resources, linking to content, creating a personal account, and more. 

If you have questions about anything, reach out to us at

Authentication Options

There are several authentication options available for AccessEngineering, including: 

  • IP Authentication (including EZproxy) 
  • Shibboleth/OpenAthens
  • Referrer URL 
  • Shared Username/Password

Click the appropriate tab to learn more about each authentication method. You can view which authentication methods you have enabled for your subscription by signing into the Admin Portal.

If you are a new subscriber, your Account Manager should have asked you for your preferred authentication methods prior to the start of your subscription. Still, if you are unsure which authentication methods are on file for your institution, just email us at   

IP Authentication

With IP authentication, users can access your trials and subscriptions by going directly to so long as they are connected to an IP address we have on file. Typically, this means connecting to your institution's network by being on-campus, signing into a VPN, or connecting to a proxy server like EZproxy. 

Users who are authenticated users will see the message "Access via [your institution name]" in the upper right corner of AccessEngineering:  



Customers using IP often also use EZproxy for remote authentication. To set up EZproxy:​

  • Provide us with the IP address for your proxy server need the proxy server IP address​
  • Add the AccessEngineering EZproxy stanza to your config file (this is usually something your Electronic Resources Librarian can do)
  • Add your proxy prefix to the AccessEngineering URL before sharing with your users

For any questions or issues with IP authentication, or to make updates to your IPs, please reach out to

AccessEngineering supports authentication via Shibboleth and OpenAthens.

To configure Shibboleth or OpenAthens for your institution, please email with:

  • Your organization identifier (e.g. 
  • Your Entity ID (e.g. 
  • Optional: if using OpenAthens as a proxy service, please provide the IP address for the proxy server

Tip! Bypass OpenAthens' "Where are you From (WAYF)" page by configuring a WAYFless URL. Learn more in our WAYFless URL Guide. 

SSO (Single-Sign On) is now available for AccessEngineering customers. With SSO, users will access your AccessEngineering trial or subscription by authenticating first through your SSO entry point. They will then be authenticated to AccessEngineering and signed into their personal AccessEngineering account. 

This option typically requires coordination between McGraw Hill and your IT department. To learn more about setting this up for your institution, please email 

Referring URL

With referrer URLs, users who click on a link to AccessEngineering from the referrer site will be automatically authenticated. The referrer site must be behind a secure login, for example a learning management system (LMS) or intranet site. Referrer URLs can be useful for customers who want to restrict access to specific user groups (e.g. just the engineering department) or who cannot use IP authentication due to IT/organizational limitations.


 File:Microsoft Office SharePoint (2019–present).svg - WikipediaCanvas Transition Page - Alcorn State University

How It Works:

  • Customer provides their referring URL domain to McGraw Hill to be added to their account in our systems. A typical referring URL domain for an LMS may look like [institution name] or [institution name]
  • Customer places direct links to AccessEngineering behind their secure LMS or intranet login 
  • Users sign into the LMS or intranet and are authenticated with AccessEngineering
  • Users navigate to the links to your trials and subscriptions behind the secure login and will have access

For any questions and issues on referring URLs, or to setup a referring URL authentication method for your institution, please reach out to

Shared Username/Password

If you authenticate via a shared username/password, you will have received those credentials in your Welcome Letter. Most institutions do not authenticate with a shared username/password (all letters include an admin username and password, but this is just for the admin portal and does not authenticate you to the site). 

To gain access to your trial with a shared username and password: 

  1. Go to
  2. Click My Account in the upper right corner of the site
  3. Click Log in via email/username 
  4. Enter the shared username and password; click Login 
  5. You now have access to AccessEngineering! 
  6. Optional: We recommend users create a personal account after they sign in with the shared username/password to interact with site content like DataVis and utilize features like bookmarking.  

Administrator Information

Admin Login

The SAMS Sigma Administration Portal allows administrators for view account information and download usage statistics for AccessEngineering and AccessScience. The Welcome Letter includes your admin username and password. Follow these instructions to log in: 

1. Go to 2

2. Enter your admin username and password to log in

a. If you do not know your password, use the “Forgot Password” link to send a reset email to your admin email address.

b. If you do not know your username or admin email address, please contact Customer Success (

3. Use the dropdown menu next to the “Hello…” text in the header to switch from your individual admin account to the institution’s account.

4. You will now have access to the institutional account menu

Usage Reports

You can pull usage reports from the admin portal. McGraw Hill offers COUNTER 5 reports for 2021-present, and COUNTER 4 for historical data prior to 2021. Learn more about Available Usage Reports. 

There are several ways to gain access to your usage reports. You can:

  1. Download usage reports directly from the admin portal
  2. Schedule reports to be sent to your email 
  3. Enable SUSHI harvesting

Important Notes

  • Data for COUNTER 5 reports is not available until 9 business days after the end of a given month.
  • AccessEngineering multimedia usage data is only available starting with June 2021 data.
  • All COUNTER 5 reports contain data for both AccessEngineering and AccessScience, each report has a column for “Platform” that can be used to filter to an individual site.

For any questions or issues concerning your usage reports, or for SUSHI information, please reach out to 

MARC records

MARC records are available for: 

  • Books
  • Spreadsheets
  • Case Studies
  • DataVis
  • DataVis Projects
  • Tutorials
  • Videos 

Download from our MARC Records and Title List page. Records are available in MARC, KBART, and XML. 

Tip! Create an AccessEngineering account to sign up to get notified when new books are published on the site. 

Content Lists

Content Lists are available for: 

  • Books
  • Videos
  • Spreadsheets
  • Tutorials
  • Case Studies
  • DataVis Projects

Download from our MARC Records and Title List page. Content lists are available in .csv format.

Tip! The bottom of the Download from our MARC Records and Title List page shows you when the Content Lists were last updated.